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Counseling Services

Types of Counseling

Types of Counseling

Counseling Office Front Counter 索拉诺学院提供以下类型的免费咨询:

  • Academic Counseling -协助学生选择专业、教育规划、颁发证书; 副学士学位和转学要求,以及学生的策略 有效处理低分,学习习惯,有效的课程规划
  • Career Counseling -根据学生的兴趣和能力,协助他们发展职业目标 and achievements. Please visit the Career Center for assistance with these topics as well.
    Other helpful resources include:
  • Accessibility Services Center (ASC) -一个为学生提供身体、交流、学习服务的项目 残疾、心理残疾或其他医疗问题
  • Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) -一个为经济和教育上都有困难的学生提供服务的项目 disadvantaged
  • International Student Program -一个为来自其他国家的学生提供咨询和帮助的项目 who are studying on F-1 Visas
  • Puente Project -一个旨在增加教育不足学生数量的项目 谁进入四年制学院和大学,获得学位,然后返回 作为未来几代人的领导者和导师(普恩特项目开放) to all interested students.)
  • Transfer Center -获取信息,方便转学到四年制学院、大学 以及职业学校,和/或学生的职业生涯追求
  • Veteran's Affairs ——帮助退伍军人或符合条件的家属申请和接受教育 benefits for various G.I. bills


无论你是焦虑还是不知所措,你都可以和有执照的医生谈谈 from your smartphone or any web-enabled device. Licensed providers are available to 通过电话或安全视频访问提供心理健康支持. Check out the FAQs below to learn more.  All services listed below are FREE for enrolled students.

How can students access TimelyCare?

Students can go to, download the TimelyCare mobile app,或在其画布shell中找到TimelyCare图标,以注册其名称和 school email address. 然后,学生可以从任何具有网络功能的设备访问 smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare is available from anywhere in the United States.

Who can use TimelyCare?

澳门十二生肖买马资料网站学生(K-12特殊录取学生除外). 请注意,学生将被要求使用他们的学生创建他们的帐户 ( email address. 对于全新的学生索拉诺CC,一个索拉诺的电子邮件地址 直到班级的人口普查日期(大约3周后)才创建 开学为18周的学期课程和大约一周后的课程 start of class for 8 week courses).

What services are available?

There are four services available:

  • TalkNow: 24/7全天候按需咨询心理健康专家 anytime
  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor (up to 12 visits per year)
  • Basic Needs: 获得提供食品和住房援助的低成本或低成本社区资源; transportation, help paying bills, legal services and more.
  • Group Sessions: 每周指导冥想和瑜伽小组会议,加上专门的讨论贯穿始终 the year.

Wellness Counseling

What is it?
最近与JFK大学合作,获得MFT(婚姻与家庭治疗)博士学位 肯尼迪大学的毕业生或在校生提供简短的(6-8次)心理辅导 health therapy. 治疗师将在肯尼迪国际机场的教职员工的监督下工作 toward licensure. 这些服务是免费的,先到先得,基于可用性和适当性 of the issues to the type of services provided.  Services are available when classes are in-session.

How can Wellness Counselors help?
健康咨询师提供简短的(6-8次)心理健康治疗.  These are 他们可以帮助解决一些问题:考试焦虑、人际关系问题、生活转变、 虐待、焦虑、抑郁、冲突/身份探索、物质使用、悲伤/损失、 and more.

Wellness Therapy Request Process

  • Requests for therapy are submitted online through a secure portal.
  • 提交申请表后,将由JFK健康顾问进行审核 谁将直接与学生联系,评估所需的服务并安排预约 (由于治疗性质短暂,可能会有一段等待时间,这是治疗师 will discuss with any potential client).

**请注意,健康咨询不适用于紧急危机情况.  If you feel you are in immediate crisis, please call police services or the resources below**

Solano County 24 Hour Crisis Line (707) 428-1131
988 - 24小时发短信或打电话联系心理健康专家

Wellness Center
Bld. 1400, Rm. 1428;
该中心将“提供文化响应服务,在一个安全的地方,人们 “冷静”-是的,放松,玩游戏,画画,分享诗歌和其他才能,可以这样做吗 much more! 澳门十二生肖买马网站将提供支持小组,由澳门十二生肖买马网站训练有素的员工共同协助 SCC校友和学生主持演讲,分享策略和推荐 to places that all serve to help us be well.”


Solano College Instant Urgent Care/Health Center

索拉诺学院和即时紧急护理(IUC)现在提供免费远程医疗 students, including mental health referral services. To make an appointment for a virtual visit, please go to the following link: or call  (408) 687-4806.

校内服务包括:健康咨询和教育、结核病检测、怀孕 检查,避孕,血糖检查,血压检查,非处方药, 休息站、急救、链球菌和流感检测、医疗和转诊资源.



More Mental Health/Wellness Resources


  • 加州同行运营温暖热线提供非紧急情感支持和转介 to anyone in the state needing mental health help. The line is toll-free, and it will be staffed daily for most of the day.
    • The number is 1-855-845-7415. You can use it via telephone or instant messaging.
Mondays to Fridays: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturdays: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sundays: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.


 Information for Faculty/Staff

The 协助情绪困扰的学生索拉诺教职员工指南 Community College (pdf)资料袋可提供更多资讯和见解,以协助校园学生; 包括紧急联系信息、早期预警方案转介,以及外部 resources.

Health and Wellness Resources (pdf)